In the Bollywood era has no plan for the Kick famed actress Jacqueline Fernandez. But she advance declares to act the character of Mother Tressa to the Bollywood as if still now none director think to make the Biopic movie of Mother
Recently a Very interesting concept is Biopic movie in the
Bollywood era. One to one real Biography
movie are being made in the silver screen of Bollywood . Such as best runner,
Fist Player,Writer,Character, Actor and Director of Films and more famous person
has occupied the schedule. This list includes the
names of the Nobel laureate
Mother Teresa. Until the end of his life spent
in service.
So, if in future would be
made any biopic film on Mother Teressa in Bollywood then the Sri Lankan Beauty wants play the character of Mother.
She also said “I am very eager
to act in this character. Because of I have learned more things from her life.
Also I think Mother Teressa is a significance character in the History of India.''